Fry International Portfolio

Login with Error

Ourea Airlines

Full user authentication is needed in most apps to tell the difference from one user to another. These apps can also have Facebook, Twitter, and custom authentication through your own MySQL databases and a free secure server for a year with most domain purchases.


Hub Screen

Ourea Airlines

Icons and text give the user a way to remember their desired path through your app. Each section of the app can use color schemes similar to those buttons to ensure not to get lost in the navigation of your app.

Font Awesome

Trips Screen

Ourea Airlines

Spacing, whitespace, visual higharchy, and color show detailed information about their current trips.

Trips Screen

Ourea Airlines

The color of this screen's abilities match the same scene as the 'My Trips' button above.

Boarding Passes

Ourea Airlines

This screen represents good use of visual hirarchy.